About the Haiku Society of America

    About The Haiku Society of America

    The Haiku Society of America is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1968 to promote the writing and appreciation of haiku in English. Membership is open to all readers, writers, and students of haiku.

    The HSA has been meeting regularly since its inception and sponsors open lectures, workshops, readings, and contests. The HSA has over 1000 members around the country and overseas.

    The Society's journal, Frogpond, founded in 1978, features work by the HSA members and others, as well as articles and book reviews. The HSA also publishes a Newsletter containing reports of the Society's national meetings and news of regional, national, and international events.

    The HSA maintains a Web site with additional information about the Society, archives of winners of the HSA contests, and other haiku activities at <http://www.hsa-haiku.org>.

    Details of locations, times, and programs will appear in the HSA Newsletter and Web site, as will announcements and details of HSA regional meetings. Reminders of national meetings, HSA contest deadlines, and occasional other news or announcements will also be sent by e-mail. Inquiries regarding regional meetings can also be addressed to the appropriate regional coordinator.


    The Haiku Society of America is composed of haiku poets, editors, critics, publishers, and enthusiasts dedicated to:

    Promoting the creation and appreciation of haiku and related forms, (haibun, haiga, renku, senryu, sequences, and tanka) among its members and the public.

    Fostering association, friendship, communication, and mutual support among haiku poets in the United States and around the world.

    The Haiku Society of America was founded in 1968 by Harold G. Henderson and Leroy Kanterman. From a group of 21 charter members who attended the first meeting in New York City, the Society has grown to embrace over 1000 members from all parts of the United States and the world.

    Meetings, readings, workshops, awards programs, and various publications have provided members with stimulation and opportunities to learn about haiku and related art forms and to share their work with a wide variety of people who have an interest in haiku. The Haiku Society of America has played and continues to play a vital role in the unfolding of the refreshingly democratic and lively English-language haiku movement.


HSA Social Media Mission

The Haiku Society of America is dedicated to supporting and encouraging English-language haiku, as well as supplying information related to haiku, senryu, haibun, haiga, renku, and other related Japanese poetic forms. We do that in different ways, including by maintaining a dynamic online presence. This includes official sites (click links):



            Twitter / X


            YouTube (not currently active)

The purpose of these acounts is two-fold:

First, they are used to disseminate information about haiku in general and the HSA in particular, to explore definitions of haiku and to familiarize visitors with who is writing haiku, and to encourage involvement in the genre.

Second, and equally important, is to create an atmosphere that encourages discussion and debate about haiku-related topics and a place where the various contemporary and historical styles of haiku may be examined. Everyone interested in haiku is welcome to attend and contribute.


Society Meetings

Haiku Society of America meetings are held at various locations throughout the U. S. The HSA also supports other local, national and international haiku activities.

The locations, times, and programs for the meetings appear in the HSA Newsletter and on the HSA Web site (see the Society Meetings page). Announcements and details of HSA regional meetings appear in the HSA Newsletter. Inquiries regarding regional meetings can also be addressed to the appropriate Regional Coordinator.

Officers and Regional Coordinators

Please see the HSA Officer and Regional Coordinator page.

See guidlines for officer duties and responsibilities. Here is our history of HSA officers.

Please see our HSA Regions Pages page to contact Regional Coordinators.


Frogpond, the journal of the Haiku Society of America, has been published since 1978. Appearing three times per year, it contains haiku and related forms of poetry, articles, reviews, contest results, announcements of the Society, and haiku-related news. For details including submission guidelines, please see the Frogpond page.

Newsletter & Interactive Member's Media

The HSA Newsletter contains details of quarterly Society meetings, other HSA activities, and regional events as well as general news, haiku contest information and results, announcements from publishers of haiku journals and books, letters, etc. The HSA Newsletter is published quarterly.

Online Newsletter: http://www.hsanewsletter.com

Web Site

Website (https://www.hsa-haiku.org)

This web site is maintained by the Haiku Society of America for the benefit of its members and for all who are interested in reading or writing haiku and related forms.

The HAIKU navigation dropdown button features online collections of award-winning haiku, senryu, haibun, renku, rengay, student haiku, book awards, and Frogpond journal awards. Many of these annual award competitions began over 30 years ago, so these archives of award-winning poetry (with judges commentary) provide access to significant collections of outstanding examples of contemporary English language haikai arts.

The SOCIETY navigation dropdown button features publications and resources produced for and by members of the society. These include a tri-quarterly journal, Frogpond; annual members anthologies, a newsletter, books, educational resources, and haiku bibliographies.

The OF AMERICA navigation dropdown button features the people and groups that make up the Haiku Society of America. It links to pages about the society (including nonprofit bylaws) and how to join. It provides means of connecting with others in the society through regions, officers, meetings, events, contests, and social media links.

HSA By-laws

Please see the Haiku Society of America By-laws page.

Contact Us

Please see the Contact Us page.