Haiku Society of America
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HSA Young Members
We are so pleased to announce that our 40 Under 40 program is a wonderful success. This program, financed through a generous donation by Jamie Wimberly, provides free one-year membership to young (18–40) people who are interested in haiku and who are recommended by an HSA member.
In the inagural year we invited and welcomed many new young members. We have expanded the opporuntity to more young members for 2021 and 2022!
Do you know someone who fits the criteria and whom you would recommend for membership? Someone who might benefit greatly by one year of free membership and access to our successful and growing Mentorship Program?
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Haiku Society of America
Mentorship Program AnthologyThe Haiku Society of America is pleased to announce the publication of The Unexpected Weight: The Haiku Society of America Mentorship Program Anthology 2021, edited by Jay Friedenberg. Design and layout by Ignatius Fay.
Each poem in this anthology was chosen by the instructors (mentors) of the groups based on a selection submitted to them from the individual students (mentees). Each participating student member has three poems published in this anthology. These poems may be either published or unpublished. If they are published, the reference information for the publication or contest is provided.
From the introduction:
It has been a pleasure to organize and see this vibrant community of haiku poets develop. My thanks go out to the mentors for your dedication to the craft and for expending the necessary time and energy. Congratulations to the mentees also for your interest and participation, and to the HSA Executive Committee for approving and providing financial support to this venture. The increase in talent over the last year and a half has been like watching a garden blossom and grow. May this garden thrive and bear fruit for many years to come!
Jay Friedenberg President, Haiku Society of America
Requests for information about the program or to join may be sent to: jay.friedenberg@gmail.com