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Frogpond 41.2 • 2018

Museum of Haiku
Literature Award

Haiku & Senryu

Essay 1 - "Naked Haiku"

Essay 2 - "Basho's Frog"




Book Reviews


"Naked Haiku"

by Charles Trumbull

"Naked Haiku" from A Field Guide to North American Haiku
(complete PDF version)

Here is a sample excerpt from the opening page of this essay:

In this installment of the Field Guide we consider the use in haiku of nakedness. English has many words to describe that state, principally “naked” and “nude,” but also “unclothed,” “undressed,” “in the raw,” “au naturel,” etc. Related words for part-nakedness such as “hatless,” “barefoot,” and the like, also pertain.

“Naked” describes a natural state, but not the normal one. “Naked” implies that one’s usual clothing is missing or has been removed. “Nude” is applied mostly to the human form. As a noun, “nude” suggests a naked human being, especially a model for a painting, sculpture, or photograph. As a simple adjective “nude” means “[naturally] bare” and, more often, in the attributive sense of depicting or performed by naked people: “nudist,” “nude beach,” “Nude” has overtones of the artistic, even erotic, that are lacking in “naked.” Both terms can be used to describe inanimate objects as well, “naked” much more commonly than “nude.”.

[essay continues for several more pages] . . .

. . .

Trumbull, Charles. "Naked Haiku' from A Field Guide to North American Haiku." Frogpond 41.2, Spring/Summer, 2018, 85-98.

This excerpt inclues the first page of the essay: page 90. The complete essay includes pages 90-103. To read the complete essay, click on the link to the PDF version:

"Naked Haiku" from A Field Guide to North American Haiku
(complete PDF version)
